Reached school at 7+ this morning. Was supposed to reach at 7. LATE cos I was busy putting on my color contacts. It's HOT HOT SAPPHIRE!
Yesterday we spent the whole day setting up and deco our 4Science2 stall. FYI I'm under manicure so, imagine how stress I was when CY said 'OK manicure at front middle ah'.
I got everyone to bring their unwanted nail lacquers. Purple, pink, blue, yellow, blah. And OMFG my first customer was somebody's mum. Damn fucking pressure, man. But luckily it turned out okay, or at least I think so. Imma loser when it comes to being patient.
So anyway, there was this junior who came and wanted mani lah so, we did for her. And that bitch don't wanna pay you know. All of us fucking pissed loh. She said it's very messy and shit. She somemore still got cheek go and ask Yas to rub off the lacquer for her. It's like really not our fault that the black lacquer brush not good loh, OK. Siao shit. OH and there was also this girl. Wah, her nails damn fucking short and it's like very close to her skin. So, when I apply, it will ALWAYS WITHOUT FAIL kena her skin. Damn khek. Nails so short don't come and do lah kay tyvm.
Okay, I should calm down. Let peace be with meeeee. HAHAHA!
I brought two cams to school. Slr and lomo. Tried that lomo out. Damn ciplak. 117MYR, what to expect. I think it's spoilt. And I shall use it as an excuse to get the HOT PINK Diana F lomo :)
Just now during the carnival, KPop was played non-stop on the speakers! So HAPPY! There were BEAST, SUJU, WONDERGIRLS, HYUNA, 2NE1 and like so many more. Then when SUJU's Sorry Sorry was being played Sam, LC and I started dancing THE DANCE while isi-ing hundreds and hundreds of water balloons. Lol.
Hmm..I think our class earn the most from the paintball riffle thingy. So many people came to play that. Especially guys. My elder bro should come. Got leng lui for him to see.