Friday, June 11, 2010

Fug My Life

Okay, short post. Was doing some window shopping online at blogshops and saw some wonderful stuff that I want. I was like busy jotting them down and their prices so that I can bank the money in to them and then I realised.....I AM FREAKING BROKE.

Argh damn upset I tell you. So so super enthu wanna buy them and shit I'm broke. Wtf is this man, what the fuck. Hmph. I shall ask him to buy for me. But I shouldn't cos he just spent like half a thousand on me so, nah uh.

Sad max. I hope he reads this and like heart pain then buy for me wth. HAHAHAHAHAH. Hmm..


OMFG this romper is so Liz Lisa-ish. Me want, me want :(