So imagine how happy I was when mum smsed and said she bought for me 6 pieces from LL in HK. I so seriously didn't know that there's LL in HK. If I did, I will like squeeze myself into my mum's luggage and fly with her there. God LL paperbags are so fucking chio to the max. Here's some of what she bought:

Okay so moving on..there're 2 tops I hate that my mum got for me. I mean they look perfectly fine and pretty and the models look great in them. But I don't. Cos it's like damn loose at the lower torso area and it's like frilled so it will only make me look more fatter, aiiiikss. Maybe I can wear a waist belt to fix it? Hope so. But I will TRYYYY to wear them. Cos it's------LIZ LISA!! *wink winks*
Wanted mum to help me buy the can can straw hat, currently a trend in Japan. But mum said it's too expensive blahblah cos it's around RM200+ for that damn hat. I tried looking for it in JB and blogshops but nah uh, none. Cheesie bought it. JEA TO THE LOUS MAN, JEA TO THE LOUS!!

You can hate flower prints. But I can't and forever won't. So shut the fuck up to those who hate 'em. Y'all aren't probably girls :)

I will dye my hair that color when I finish my SPM :DDD